March 11, 2025, Agenda Meeting
4:00 PM
To set
the agenda for March 18, 2025, Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 PM
AmeriCorps Week 2025 Proclamation (March 11, 2025)
Legislative Update (March 11, 2025)
Fire Department Update (March 11, 2025)
To authorize
the City Manager to enter into contracts with AJS
Homes, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $441,000.00, for the development and
construction of two (2) Single Family Properties using Home Investment
Partnerships Program to provide affordable housing; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis:
A resolution to authorize the City Manager to enter into
contracts with AJS Homes for the development
of two (2) single family new construction properties utilizing HOME
Investment Partnerships Program Funds. |
Z-10084-A: To
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Residential titled E & Y Development LLC – PD-R, located at 1516 South
Ringo Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the
City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The
applicant requests to rezone the 0.258 acre property
from R-4, Two-Family District to PD-R, Planned Development – Residential, to
allow a two (2) lot single family residential development. (Located in Ward
1) |
AGENDA (Items 1 – 11) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Swayze, LLC, in an amount not
to exceed $308,700.00, for the Broadway Street Drainage Improvement Project;
and for other purposes. (Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital Improvement
Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize
the City Manager to enter into a contract with
Swayze, LLC, for the Broadway Street Drainage Improvement Project. (Located
in Ward 1) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Swayze,
LLC, in an amount not to exceed $173,938.80, for the Rinke Road Drainage
Improvement Project; and for other purposes. (Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital Improvement
Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize
the City Manager to enter into a contract with
Swayze, LLC, for the Rinke Road near Republic Lane Drainage Improvement
Project. (Located in Ward 4) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Boyles Construction Company,
Inc., in an amount not to exceed $73,968.00, for the Leander Drive at Kanis
Road Crosswalk Improvement Project; and for other purposes. (Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital Improvement
Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize
the City Manager to enter into a contract with
Boyles Construction, Inc., for Leander at Kanis Road Crosswalk Improvement
Project. (Located in Ward 6) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with River City Hydraulics, Inc., in
an amount not to exceed $140,00.00, plus applicable taxes and fees, for the
purchase of one (1) Bucher CityCat V20 Sweeper for
the Fleet Vehicle Storage Department; and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize
the City Manager to enter into a contract with River
City Hydraulics, Inc. for the purchase of one (1) Bucher CityCat
V20 Sweeper for the Fleet Vehicle Storage Department. |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Scott Equipment, Inc., in an
amount not to exceed $133,875.00, plus applicable taxes and fees, for the
purchase of one (1) Case 580SV Backhoe for the Public Works Street Operations
Division; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize
the City Manager to enter into a contract with Scott
Equipment, Inc., for the purchase of one (1) Case 580SV Backhoe for Public
Works Department, Street Operations Division. |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into an
annual purchase agreement with Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company and Looney’s
Tire Center, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $900,000.00, for the purchase
of commercial tires for City Vehicles; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize
the Acting City Manager to enter into a contract
with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and Looney’s Tire Center, Inc., for
commercial tires. This APO is for one (1) year with an option to renew one
(1) additional year. |
To adopt revisions to the Investment Policy for
the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; Repealing Little Rock Ark., Resolution No.
14,890 (November 5, 2018); and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A
resolution to revise the current investment policy to make technical
corrections to job titles and to modify the requirement that broker/dealers
are required to have a physical presence in the City of Little Rock. |
To authorize the Chief Financial Officer, the
Treasury Manager, and their designee to engage the services of certain
Financial Institutions to transact City Business and to transfer, sell,
assign, and deliver and all Bonds, Debentures, Notes, Evidence of
Indebtedness, or other Securities now or hereafter owned by the City of
Little Rock, and to make, execute, and deliver any and all written
instruments necessary or proper to effectuate the authority hereby conferred;
and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the Chief
Financial Officer, the Treasury Manager, and their designee to engage the
services of certain financial institutions to transact business on behalf of
the City. |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Renaissance Construction, LLC,
in an amount not to exceed $441,500.00), for the development and construction
of two (2) Single Family Properties to provide Affordable Housing; and for
other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the City
Manager to enter into a contract with Renaissance
Construction, LLC for the development of two (2) single family new
construction properties utilizing HOME Investment Partnerships Program Funds.
(Located in Ward 6) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Landscape Structures, Inc., in
an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, for renovations and improvements to the
Playground at War Memorial Park; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the City
Manager to enter into a contract with Landscape
Structures for renovations and improvements to the playground at War Memorial
Park. |
To authorize the City Manager to increase the
amount of the existing contract with Alessi Keyes Construction Company, in an
amount not to exceed $300,000.00, to provide Agency Construction Manager
Services for the Little Rock Zoo’s 2022A Bond Project; and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: To
increase the amount of the contract with Alessi Keyes Construction management
for Agency Construction Manager services for the Zoo’s 2022A Bond Project. |
& DEVELOPMENT ITEMS (Items 12- 27) |
condemn the property located at 6317 West Markham Street, Little Rock,
Arkansas, as a structural, fire, and health hazard; to provide for summary
abatement procedures; to direct City Staff to take such action as is
necessary to raze and remove said structure; to declare an emergency;
and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A commercial structure
located at 6317 West Markham Street has become run-down, dilapidated,
unsightly, dangerous and detrimental to the public welfare of the citizens of
the City of Little Rock. (Located in Ward 3) |
amend the Land Use Plan in the Chenal Planning District, at the Southeast and
Southwest corner of Highway 10 and Chalamont Drive
from Residential Low (RL) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC); and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: To approve a Land Use Plan
Map amendment in the Pinnacle Planning District at the Southwest and
Southeast Corner of Highway 10 and Chalamont Drive
from Residential Low (RL) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). (Located in Ward
5) |
amend the Land Use Plan in the Buzzard Mountain Planning District, East of
Garrison Road and Ferndale Cut-Off from Residential Low (RL) to Agricultural
(A); and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: To approve a Land Use Plan
Map amendment in the Buzzard Mountain Planning District east of Garrison Road
and Ferndale Cut-Off from Residential Low (RL) to Agricultural (A). |
Z-3371-J(3): To reclassify property located in the
City of Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City
of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The owner of the 3.50-acre
property located on the west side of Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive, approximately
600 feet north of Colonel Glenn Road is requesting
that the property be reclassified from C-2, Shopping Center District, to C-4,
Open Display Commercial District. (Located in Ward 6) |
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Revised Planned
Development – Commercial titled Chenal Valley – Tract 13 – (Lot BR-2) –
Revised PCD, located at the Southeast corner of St. Vincent Way and LaGrande
Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City
of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant requests to
rezone the 1.36-acre property from PCD to Revised PCD to allow commercial
development of the lot. (Located in Ward 5) |
reclassify property located in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, amending
the official zoning map of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The owner of the 24.28-acre
property located at 3708 Garrison Road is requesting that the property be
reclassified from R-2, Single-Family District to AF, Agriculture and Forestry
District. |
reclassify property located in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, amending
the official zoning map of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The owner of the 12.27-acre
property located at the southeast and southwest corners of Highway 10 and Chalamont Drive is requesting that the property be
reclassified from R-2. Single-Family District to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial
District and OS, Open Space District. (Located in Ward 5) |
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned District –
Commercial Titled King STR-2 PD-C, located at 5147 Cantrell Road, Little
Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City of Little Rock,
Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff recommends denial. Synopsis: The applicant requests to
rezone the 0.16-acre property from R-2, Single-Family District to PD-C,
Planned Development-Commercial, to allow use of the property as a Short-Term
Rental (STR-2). (Located in Ward 3) |
To approve a Planned Zoning Development and to
establish a Planned Development – Office titled Flores Office – Warehouse –
PD-O, located 7524 Fairfield Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas, to amend the
Official Zoning Map of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other
purposes. (Planning
Commission: 8 ayes; 0 nays; 1 absent; and 2 open
positions) (Deferred from February
4, 2025) Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant requests to rezone the
0.33-acre property from R-2 to PD-O to allow a small office–warehouse
facility. (Located in Ward 2) |
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned District –
Commercial Titled Laben Properties STR-2 PD-C, located at 13212 Coleen Drive,
Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City of Little
Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant requests to
rezone the 0.30-acre property from R-2, Single Family District to PD-C,
Planned District – Commercial, to allow use of the property for a Short-Term
Rental (STR-2). (Located in Ward 5) |
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Residential titled E & Y Development LLC – PD-R, located at 1516 South
Ringo Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the
City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant requests to
rezone the 0.258-acre property from R-4, Two-Family District to PD-R, Planned
Development – Residential, to allow a two (2) lot single family residential
development. (Located in Ward 1) |
reclassify property located in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, amending
the official zoning map of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The owner of the 0.16-acre
property at 106 Pearl Avenue is requesting that the property be reclassified
from C-3, General Commercial District to R-5, Urban Residence District.
(Located in Ward 3) |
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Residential Titled Orndorff #1 – PD-R, located at 1211/1215 College Street,
Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City of Little
Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant requests to
rezone the 0.32-acre property from R-4, Two-Family District to PD-R, Planned
Development – Residential, to allow a four (4) lot single family residential development.
(Located in Ward 1) |
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Residential Titled Orndorff #4 – PD-R, located at 1207 College Street, Little
Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City of Little Rock,
Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant requests to
rezone the 0.16-acre property from R-4, Two-Family District to PD-R, Planned
Development – Residential, to allow two (2) lot single family residential
development. (Located in Ward 1) |
approve a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Residential Titled Orndorff #5 – PD-R, located at 2117/2121 Rock Street,
Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City of Little
Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant requests to
rezone the 0.34-acre property from R-4, Two-Family District to PD-R, Planned
Development – Residential, to allow a five (5) lot attached single family
residential development. (Located in Ward 1) |
an updated version of the Little Rock Stormwater and Drainage Manual to
include a Water Quality Requirement for development in accordance with the
City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and other technical
updated and clarifications to Storm Design Standards; and amending the Little
Rock Code of Ordinances Chapter 29, Stormwater Management and Drainage, to
make changes consistent with the Updated Manual, and to otherwise promote the
Public Health, Safety, and General Welfare; and for other purposes. (1st and 2nd
Reading held on March 4, 2025) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: An ordinance adopting the Stormwater
Drainage Manual and Ordinances, last updated in 1985. This update is designed
to improve the stormwater and drainage design manual to more effectively and
adequately address future flood risk, new stormwater practices, and state
& federal regulations. |
SEPARATE ITEMS (Items 28 - 32) |
To amend
Little Rock, Ark., Rev. Code § 2-50 (b)(2) (1988) and (c) to
clarify the definition of present at a Meeting of the Little Rock
Board of Directors; to declare an emergency;
and for other purposes.
(1st and 2nd
Reading held on January 21, 2025 ) (Deferred from
February 18, 2025) (Deferred from March 4, 2025) (Sponsored by Director Peck) |
declare it impractical and unfeasible to bid; to authorize the City Manager
to extend the Sole-Source Agreement with City Year, Inc., for one (1)-year,
in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, to establish an Educational Program
relative to the City’s Education Initiative for use by the Little Rock School
District; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: An ordinance to
authorize the City Manager to enter into a one
(1)-year extension of the contract with City Year Little Rock. |
increase the purchase threshold level for purchases which do not require
competitive bidding and are under $50,000.00, pursuant to Arkansas Code
Annotated § 14-58-303;
and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. |
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract
with EvoQore Technologies, Inc., in an amount not
to exceed $798,212.00, plus applicable taxes and fees, with a ten percent
contingency fee, for the purchase of Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Service for the City’s Information Technology Department; and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: An
ordinance to authorize the City Manager to enter into
a contract to purchase Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services from EvoQore Technologies, Inc.(“EvoQore”),
under the OMNIA Contract (RH-22-026). |
declare it impractical and unfeasible to bid; to authorize the City Manager
to enter into an Annual Maintenance and Equipment Agreement in an amount not
to exceed $60,830.00, plus applicable taxes and fees, for The City’s Outdoor Warning Siren System with Safetycom;
and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A
Sole-source ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter
into a one (1)-year Maintenance and Equipment Upgrade Agreement for
the City’s Outdoor Warning Siren System with Safetycom. |